Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Inspired by a comment on my latest post, I have decided to officially retire from the NFL. Unfortunately for the league, teams did not want to give me a chance to compete for a starting job at (FILL IN POSITION HERE).

I was not satisfied to be a backup, and so I'm putting my NFL career aside to chase new and exciting projects.

Yes, this week is Iowa/Iowa State. I've chosen to forgo cheap shots and humor this year. All business.

(Do they even have a business school at Clown U? Agri business does not count...)

(Yes, I know they have a business school. Law... (human) medicine... those things are right out, but they do have a business school. Go Moo U!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'd better be ready when the 'Clones come to town! I will stand up and point at you EVERY TIME "we" get a first down!

I am a dork and have HUGE ears, so I shall not have had a lot of beers.

A young RHA yelled at me in the year TWO-ZERO-ZERO-ZERO, but I've realized that the same man is now my hero!
