Thursday, September 27, 2007


Didja ever just need to see a picture?

I did today.

If you don't think the men in this picture are living life to the fullest, then I'm not sure we can be friends.

I'm sorry.


Gilmore Girls Guy said...

That photo was one of the great pleasures of buying the Guinness Book of World Records every year back in my youth. You know, before they went all "bug-eyed lady" on us.

Your RHS said...

I had the good fortune to be in a Goodwill in Cedar Falls last weekend, and so I wandered to the book section to see what they had.

They had a couple of old GBoWRs. I flipped them open to find my beloved fat twins on motorcycles...and the picture was MIA!

They did have a picture of them in a wrestling ring, but it just wasn't the same. At all.